Tuesday, May 31, 2005

You just gotta check out this Band guys!! LOST CITY ANGELS!!! Posted by Hello

Sunday, May 29, 2005

I got this tonight in a Steak N shake from GR I was with James and Adrienne. Our waitress Kaelyn was really awesome even though we might have looked a little strange after just getting out of social Distortion where we were the life of the party. HA HA  Posted by Hello

Friday, May 27, 2005

Something I believe to be true

it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them, but then an entire life to forget them. Send this phrase to the people you'll never forget

Friday, May 20, 2005

Tonight we went to Steak n Shake and Alicia waited on us. She also informed us that she has heard about "us." how cool is that? Lol! Posted by Hello

The person in charge at Steak n shake tonight signed our bill. It was pretty spiffy. Posted by Hello

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

ha we were on a slide but you can't tell. Hicks, Shun shaun and I ... but where is jennys face? Posted by Hello

last picture deer sent me..  Posted by Hello

ha ha Jenny and I being dorks as always good thing we are best friends. Posted by Hello

My brother Lloyd chowing down some chips Posted by Hello

Betsy got KICKED!!!  Posted by Hello

Sunnies in the house that is the dark side. Posted by Hello

ha ha this is Shaun and Jenny. I was there too but you can only faintly see my eye Posted by Hello

Saturday, May 14, 2005

ah the weekend!!

so this weekend was kinda fun. Um as for the pals of a Ninja they were around here and there. Friday night Mike aka Grimmolicious and I went to a late show that Mike said would be "CITY OF GOD" but really it was the kingdom to heaven or something. Psh ... who woulda guessed. Jenny aka JOE ROBBINS bailed on us. So we looked sad only having a group of two. Saturday aka Today I went with Shun Shaun and he was so fun until he played sick and had to go home. So that part was lame but it turned out okay. Shun Shaun wanted to eat Pizza hut so I went for moral support and to watch him devower a whole pizza all alone. It was sick! JK! It was more like half a pizza. ha ha.We almost went to Stake n shake but it didn't work out. They miss us there I can tell. We saw Jen aka Jesus at work and I yelled at her for being so busy. We also ended up compairing injuries from the last basketball game that Jenny aka Joe Robbins and I played. Jesus says that it was horrible for Mike just to want to see us both hurt. I agreed. ha ha! Another one of those things MIKE GRIMM MADE ME DO!! Anyways.. so Jenny aka Joe Robbins and I went to wal-mart tonight for the excitement and we saw that movie Monster in law which turned out to be so funny. Many other things happen that I am not going to talk about cause they shouldn't be brought up again!!! I mean not unless Jenny and I decide to hate each other which is highly unlikely but never impossible JK! So I will keep you folks posted all on my own.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

The only Contributor

So ... yesterday was really great. We went to play some great basketball finally. I have to say it was very much missed. Anyways Jenny, Mike and I all decided it would be some fun. Well it was all fun and games til everyone was injured. Lol. In the end though Jenny and I ended up winning the most. Ha ha. Jenny and I stopped to see Bert and let him know we found a great replacement for his animal thing. We are workin on getting that. We will have to wait and see.

Last night it was also decided I would marry for only a grand and I should get the muddy yard discount.

Jenny and I might go to an Orlando Movie tomorrow. Its not really set in stone yet.

Ps Yesterday was Cassi's Birthday Hope she enjoyed it.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

chai tea and some scone thing

Last Night Jenny and I went to see a wickedly awesome band in three Rivers. ha ha I know the guitar player. We almost got kicked out cause its the first time they have carded us at all. Yikes!!
So then after that we saw the longest Train ever!! It was like three miles. Give er take a few.
After that Mike called me back on my cell phone because he got a new one. Then we decided we'd all go for coffee. Yup. He had to first stop at some random place to wake up Fritz and get his Green day ticket. Lol and he told this computer geek story about college that cracks everyone up. It was interesting ... We looked for a coffee house and found not many were open. Then we finally found fourth Coast and none of us got coffee in that house. lol. Instead Jenny ended up with hot chocolate and Mike had chai tea which was hot. Not really bad but I liked mine better which was a chia shake. So ... then we bought a scone or something that was interesting. It was like a cinnomon roll type thing. It was okay. At least now I can say I had one.
Ah... so that was that. It was all fun at the time so it was worth it.

OH no someone didn't love the eggs. Posted by Hello

Deer's Kitten that I gave him!!  Posted by Hello

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Ha loud noise

Hey if you people ever feel the need to get revenge on Shun Shaun because he has done or said anything just IM him. Loud noises scare him. he he he. Anyhow.. hmm five am and I say Ice Cream sounds like fun. So I had some for no apparent reason except no one told me not to. Yikes My Grandma is also now contaminated
ewww.... I gotta scatter.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

He he the average steak n shake Posted by Hello

Happy Birthday JOE ROBBINS

Lol this was so much easier before I delted them.
Joe Robbins aka Slow hoe...
Why we adore her
*She helped me push down that waitress and then Laugh.
*She always plays a good game of Basketball
*She helped me hit a woman with a wheel chair once.
*She is the only "BLINK" dancer I have ever known.
*I love that she takes LOSING ALL THE TIME SO WELL
*She always swears when I ask
*I know that if we were being mugged .. she'd be the first one to go because she is mute.
*ha ... she always hits herself the hardest when playing chinese rat suckers
*She laughs for no apparent reason
*Because that was her last night out running that cop
*she always makes fun of Levi.
*She is one of those people no one hates no matter what.
*Oh yeah and I think she has some anger issues.
Yeah okay thats good enough for now cause ... I am extremly tired.

So .. other things ... This weekend Friday night
We ( Joe aka JENNY and I) saw Jenny aka Jesus, Mike, Tony aka MOO, and yeah thats about it. Ha ha. we went to the movie with Mike too. It was FUN enough!

Then because Mike( aka GRIMMOLICIOUS GOD) was ahead of us we decided to speed up and pass him. HE HE ... well turns out there was a cop near by and Jenny started sworving towards them and speeding then. I thought we were gonners but I think the Luck of Mike actually helped us out on that one.

During the day I went to ask for my brother at work and instead of saying where is my brother I said where is my Lloyd I felt so COOL!!
Then... this night we aka (Jenny and I ) went to another lame movie that Shun shaun picked out. Ha ha but we laughed. we met a melissa who is getting married and she was so cool. We are so adopting her. We also then went up to stake n shake which we saw Cassi Clock there. My long lost friend. She was so fun. We met her Katie friend who was really awesome to. We might have scared her but hey it was good. Then a table full of Random people sang to me because it was Jennys birthday. I laughed and thanked all of them. They were cool. We got a signature .. so Shun shaun better put it up. I also Love how we ended up laughing about nothing.


I am tired so Later.
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