Saturday, May 14, 2005

ah the weekend!!

so this weekend was kinda fun. Um as for the pals of a Ninja they were around here and there. Friday night Mike aka Grimmolicious and I went to a late show that Mike said would be "CITY OF GOD" but really it was the kingdom to heaven or something. Psh ... who woulda guessed. Jenny aka JOE ROBBINS bailed on us. So we looked sad only having a group of two. Saturday aka Today I went with Shun Shaun and he was so fun until he played sick and had to go home. So that part was lame but it turned out okay. Shun Shaun wanted to eat Pizza hut so I went for moral support and to watch him devower a whole pizza all alone. It was sick! JK! It was more like half a pizza. ha ha.We almost went to Stake n shake but it didn't work out. They miss us there I can tell. We saw Jen aka Jesus at work and I yelled at her for being so busy. We also ended up compairing injuries from the last basketball game that Jenny aka Joe Robbins and I played. Jesus says that it was horrible for Mike just to want to see us both hurt. I agreed. ha ha! Another one of those things MIKE GRIMM MADE ME DO!! Anyways.. so Jenny aka Joe Robbins and I went to wal-mart tonight for the excitement and we saw that movie Monster in law which turned out to be so funny. Many other things happen that I am not going to talk about cause they shouldn't be brought up again!!! I mean not unless Jenny and I decide to hate each other which is highly unlikely but never impossible JK! So I will keep you folks posted all on my own.


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